Our Green and Speciality teas are made from unfermented leaves of Camellia Sinensis and contain the highest levels of concentrated polyphenols: good chemicals that act as powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants: substances that scavenge free radicals whilst damaging compounds in the body that present a danger to the body by altering cell membranes, tampering DNA and even cause the death of cells.

The time tested, ancient process of making tea, through which it gets its inherent medicinal properties, is given an extra boost of flavour by the availability of fresh tips from our own 5 hectare organically cultivated garden in the surrounding hills.

At NGST, where we aim at being ecologically sustainable, respect nature, are not driven by commercial greed and strongly believe in quality – at the environmental, procedural and spiritual levels, producing only what we would drink ourselves… we vouch that our teas take the form of drinks fit for the soul and of higher beings…that in itself is a health benefit – not having to worry about whether one’s drink is laden with pesticide and chemicals.

We campaign vigorously to ‘Go Green, Go Organic’ and through this process, not just improve one’s own health but to leave an inheritance that is worthy of being passed on to future generations.


From webMD health –

Green Tea Blocks HIV in test Tubes

AN antioxidant in Green Tea may block HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, from attaching to an important molecule on immune system cells…

To find out more, please visit:



Oprah’s Green Tea Diet

In 2004 when renowned talk show host Oprah Winfrey, alongside Dr. Nigel Perricone, reported the ability to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks, just by switching from coffee to green tea, the whole world took notice.  The result: green tea mania.

Read more at: http://www.detox.org/oprahs-green-tea-diet/